GA callback function

For version 4, on all pages

<script type="text/javascript">
var monitus = monitus || {};
monitus.callback = function(pTrigger) {
    switch(pTrigger) {
        case "tracker_created":
            // The GA tracker has been created
        case "tracker_before_tracking":
            // Right before "_trackPageView" is called
            // appropriate for setting custom variables and content groups
        case "tracker_after_tracking":
            // After GA has tracked the current page view
        case "visitor_data_changed":
            // Called when the monitus.visitor data structure is updated with new values
        case "cart_setup":
            // Called when the cart recovery mechanism has been setup
[regular monitus one-liner installaiton code]

For version 3.1 and earlier:

On non-checkout pages AND the confirmation page:

<script type="text/javascript">
  monitus_ga_callback = function(pStep, pTracker) {
   switch(pStep) {
    case "initialize":
      This step is for anything you want to do before the tracker is created; this should not be used to customize the tracker - use the "customize" case instead.
      ** pTracker is not used here.
    case "customize":
      Customize the tracker object, before "_initData" is called on it.
      if you need to distinguish tracker objects (pqTracker, woTracker...) you can use the pTracker variable to compare, as in: if(pTracker == _MONITUS.pageTracker) { /*customize _MONITUS.pageTracker*/ }
    case "finalize":
      In this step, the monitus pageview has been sent; note that on the confirmation page, the transaction has not been sent by this time.
      ** pTracker is not used here.
    case "postprocess":
      This step happens at the very end of the GA coe - everything has been sent to GA.
      ** pTracker is not used here.
  if(typeof(monitus_init) == "function") monitus_init(<store ID>, "new");

On the checkout wrapper page:

<script type="text/javascript">
  if(!document.URL.match(/sectionId=ysco.confirm/)) {
   monitus_ga_callback = function(pStep, pTracker) {
    switch(pStep) {
      case "initialize":
       This step is for anything you want to do before the tracker is created; this should not be used to customize the tracker - use the "customize" case instead.
       ** pTracker is not used here.
      case "customize":
       Customize the tracker object, before "_initData" is called on it.
       if you need to distinguish tracker objects (pqTracker, woTracker...) you can use the pTracker variable to compare, as in: if(pTracker == _MONITUS.pageTracker) { /*customize _MONITUS.pageTracker*/ }
      case "finalize":
       In this step, the monitus pageview has been sent; note that on the confirmation page, the transaction has not been sent by this time.
       ** pTracker is not used here.
      case "postprocess":
       This step happens at the very end of the GA coe - everything has been sent to GA.
       ** pTracker is not used here.
   if(typeof(monitus_init) == "function") monitus_init(<store ID>, "new");